Anxiety / Anticipatory anxiety / Fears

In today’s world, anxiety and fear is prevalent, with pressures coming from all angles. Homeopathy can help support and calm the nervous system.

Some common triggers include an upcoming event, an exam, going back to school, getting on a flight, the Sunday night blues before going back to work, you get the gist.     

The anxiety and fears can be so debilitating that it can affect mood, appetite, sleep, digestive system, and how you function on day-to-day basis. It can ruin an upcoming event that could otherwise have been enjoyable and memorable. It can affect performance in an exam, a speech or sporting event.

For chronic conditions, including panic attacks, it is important to work with a professional Homeopath.

The remedies I am suggesting will help with the acute / short term. Some are in tincture form, tissue salts, or in potency.

Kali Phos – Anxiety and fear with a nervous dread. Easily frightened, with sensitivity to noise and light. With a fear of being alone, open spaces and crowds. The person may feel tired and fatigued, where the slightest labour is a heavy task. Caused by overwork or worry. Can be taken as a tissue salt in 6X potency.

Dosage: To be taken 3 or 4 times a day depending on intensity of symptoms. It is a wonderful nerve soother.

Scutellaria Q – In a tincture, this is a great all-rounder where nervous fear predominates. With chronic fatigue, a tired weak feeling and uneasiness. There is a fear something bad will happen, with confusion, irritability, and an inability to fix attention on work. Sleep can be disturbed and restless.

Dosage: 10-12 drops in a little water x 3 times a day stop with improvement

Avena Sativa Q – Nervous exhaustion from worry and anxiety, from mental or physical overwork, with difficulty of thinking or comprehension, and an inability to keep mind on any one subject. Leading to brain fatigue, sluggishness, and sleeplessness.

Dosage: 10-15 drops in a little water x 3 times a day stop with improvement

Gelsemium – Generally a slow onset. Anxiety and fear lead to shaking and trembling and a sensation of being paralysed with fear. There is a strong desire to be left alone, wanting to be quiet. The fear is overpowering with fatigue, heaviness, exhaustion, and drowsiness. If the anxiety relates to an event where they need to speak, they can get confused and lines will be forgotten.

Potency – 30c starting point.

Lycopodium – They may appear cool and calm, but underneath there is a lot of fear, anxiety, and a lack of self-confidence. Anxiety is usually around performance, fear of public speaking, failure, new situations, commitments, and responsibilities. The anxiety is felt in pit the stomach. The anxiety / fear can cause irritability and anger. If the anxiety is relating to an event, preparation is key to someone needing Lycopodium, they will ensure they are prepared. Once this is underway, it usually goes smoothly.

Potency – 30c starting point.

Arg-Nit – Anticipation, apprehension, and fear. Performance anxiety is a strong aspect of this remedy. They can get diarrhoea from anticipating upcoming events. Lots of fears – Fear of flying in airplanes, crowds, dark, claustrophobia. If travelling, they will arrive very early for the flight. The get nervous, agitated, and restless with lots of pacing as this helps release the nervous energy. This medicine can calm the mind and control overthinking.

Potency – 30c starting point.

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