Tissue (Cell) Salts

What are they and how can they help you?

They are preparations of 12 minerals found in our cells, minerals required for balance and optimum health.

They support your body’s health and healing process by regulating your cell’s mineral levels.

They can treat the 1st signs of imbalance preventing it from getting worse, to restore balance, or as a preventive.

They are gentle and safe and can be taken alongside other medication.

Some of examples of what they can support – bone & teeth health, mood, fever, colds & flu, nerve pain, cramp, digestive issues, skin problems etc.

      1. Calc Flour – Toner & Purger
      2. Calc Phos – Cell regulator & generator. A general tonic.
      3. Calc Sulph – Purifier & Cleanser
      4. Ferrum Phos – Oxygenator & anti-inflammatory
      5. Kali Mur – Detoxification & blood conditioner
      6. Kali Phos – Nerve tonic
      7. Kali Sulph – Oxygen exchange & cell building
      8. Mag Phos – Anti-spasmodic & nerve stabilizer
      9. Natrum Mur – Fluid Regulator
      10. Natrum Phos – Acid neutraliser
      11. Natrum Sulph – Liver Cleanser & excess fluid eliminator
      12. Silica – Cell Cleanser, Tonic & Protector

    Schuessler’s Theory

    Developed in the 19th century by a doctor and physicist Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler.

    The human body needs 12 mineral salts to survive, and if an individual mineral is lacking, specific symptoms would appear in the form of illness.

    Therefore, any illness is a sign of imbalance of these mineral salts.

    Schuessler developed the 12 tissue salts to maintain or restore balance. Micro-doses of each mineral are used in each formula.

    Schuessler’s theory was that micro-doses are more readily absorbed by the blood, tissues & cells than larger doses in mineral supplements.

    Calc flour (Calcium Fluoride)

    Provides elasticity and tone.

    Elastic tissues are found in the walls of blood vessels, in muscular tissue, in connective tissue, in the surface of bones & enamel of teeth.

    Affinities: Bones, Ligaments, muscles, teeth, skin & veins

        • Useful for teeth strength, especially in children. Where enamel strength is lacking & producing cavities.

        • Tonic for muscles, ligaments, veins – worn out, and lax. The tissues have lost their tone & elasticity. eg. haemorrhoids, varicose veins

        • Bone and joints – bones that are thinning with age, e.g Osteoporosis. For lumps that develop on bones or around joints.

        • For back and joint pains, that are worse on beginning to move and better for continued motion. Just like Rhus tox!

      • Skin – Cracked lips, heels, calluses, flabby skin, deep lines.

      Calc Phos (Calcium Phosphate)

      A general tonic.

      Promotes healthy cellular activity & restores tone to weakened organs and tissues.

      Affinities: Bones, muscles, teeth, overall tonic.

          • A tonic when mentally, emotionally, and/or physically exhausted, esp. after a period of mental work.

          • A remedy for any period of convalescence; its restorative power will speed up recovery and replenish the body’s reserves of strength.

          • For bone and teeth health – an important remedy for children. It aids growth and normal development. Can be used alongside Calc Flour.

          • Bones & joints – slow healing fractures, osteoporosis, useful for adolescence growing too quickly – growing pains. Stiff aching joints.

        • Aids digestion and assimilation of food, therefore important in building a robust constitution.

        Calc Sulph (Calcium Sulphate)

        A blood purifier and healer.

        Found in the liver, it helps the removal of waste from the blood. It has a cleansing and purifying influence.

        Affinities: Blood, mucous membranes, skin.

            • Skin – acne, boils, abscesses that are discharging but not healing. For pimples in adolescence.

            • Skin – wounds that have become infected and will not heal, especially with thick yellow pus that may be lumpy or blood streaked.

            • For coughs, colds, earaches and eye infections with discharges that are thick and yellow.

            • If taken in the early stage, can prevent a sore throat from developing, and can cut short a cold.

          • Symptoms are generally worse after getting wet and are better in a warm, dry atmosphere.

          Ferrum Phos (Iron Phosphate)

          Oxygen carrier and Anti-inflammatory.

          The medium through which oxygen is taken up by the blood stream and carried to the affected area.

              • Congestion, inflammatory pain, high temperature and a quickened pulse, all call for more Oxygen.

              • Take at the 1st sign of acute illness, colds, flu, sore throat, earaches & fever (up to 38.5c). It is an emergency or 1st aid tissue salt.

              • Key words – inflammation, redness (flushed cheeks), throbbing, fever, bleeding.

              • For anemia, where there is a lack of red blood cells. Can be useful to pregnant women who are anemic.

              • 1st aid remedy in haemorrhages, can be thought of for heavy periods, nose bleeds.

              • Ferrum Phos should also be through of as a first aid in cases of muscular strains & sprains.

            Kali Mur (Potassium Chloride)

            For sluggish conditions.

            Regulates the balance of fluids in the body.

                • Think of Kali Mur for respiratory issues with thick white discharges.

                • Coughs, colds, sore throats, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis etc. Frequently indicated in alteration with Ferrum Phos.

                • Earaches – with congestion in the estuation tubes. Hearing is affected with noises in the ears after a cold.

                • Nausea – Main tissue salt for nausea.

                • Burns & Scalds – can be applied externally. Dissolve in some warm water to make a paste.

              • Complementary to Calc Sulph as both are concerned with cleansing and purifying the blood. Therefore, beneficial for Acne.

              Kali Phos (Potassium Phosphate)

              A Nerve tonic & Soother

              Found in the brain and nerve cells, it is the main tissue salt for the nervous system.

                  • For those who are worn out following heavy work or study period. Where there is nervous tension. Debility from overwork or worry.

                  • A great tonic after an acute illness, especially flu where there is muscular weakness and nervous exhaustion.

                  • For those who are mentally & emotionally sluggish, irritable, mildly depressed, anxious, worn out.

                  • Mentally exhausted – lack of focus, motivation, concentration and suffering from brain fugue.

                  • Headaches / insomnia that follow a period of intense work, mental strain. Can help prevent burnout.

                • Someone needing this will desperately need warmth and rest, and nourishing food to build themselves up again.

                Kali Sulph (Potassium sulphate)

                Cell building & Oxygen exchange.

                Found in cell linings of skin & assists in the exchange of oxygen from the blood stream to the tissue-cells.

                Affinities: Skin, Mucous membranes, Repair of cells, Respiratory

                    • Skin – dry and scaly, yellow mucous discharges. Dandruff, dry itchy scalp. Psoriasis, Eczema, cradle cap.

                    • Respiratory – Coughs, colds, earache with thick yellow discharges. Sticky & tough mucous to move.

                    • Can be used in the recovery of taste and smell after respiratory infections.

                    • There is a craving for fresh air and generally worse for heat or a warm stuffy room.

                  • Other symptoms include chilliness, joint pains that move around, generally worse in the evening. Very similar to the homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla!

                  Mag. Phos (Magnesium Phosphate) 

                  Anti-Spasmodic, A Muscle relaxant.

                  Also known as the homeopathic aspirin, therefore helpful in pain relief. Its main function is in connection with the nervous system.

                      • Where there is a deficiency of Mag Phos, the white nerve fibres contract, causing spasms and cramps.

                      • Indicated for nerve pains – neuralgia, sciatica. Migraines & tension headaches with shooting, darting stabs of pain.

                      • It relieves muscular twitching, cramps, hiccups, teething pains, colic & menstrual cramps. Muscle tension and stiffness.

                      • Works well with Calc Phos and Kali Phos as a nerve tonic.

                      • The pains are better for heat and pressure. E.g. those experiencing menstrual cramps will bend double & get relief from a hot water bottle.

                      • As the pains are better for heat, this tissue salt is best taken in a little warm water and sip.

                    Natrum Mur (Sodium Chloride)

                    Water Distributor.

                    Two thirds of our body is composed of water, hence the vital role.

                        • Excessive moisture or dryness in any part of the system is a clear indication of Nat Mur deficiency.

                        • Dryness – Of lips, that crack with great thirst. dry itchy skin, dandruff, constipation.

                        • Water retention & Swelling – E.g. Pregnant women. Can be useful for insect bites, take during summer months if prone to mosquito bites.

                        • Colds with watery or clear discharges. Hay fever, eyes itchy and watering, eyes weak – the wind causes them to water.

                        • Headaches or Migraines with neck pain, can work well with Mag Phos.

                        • Fatigue, lack of energy and low mood.

                        • Generally, will be thirsty with craving for salt or salty foods.

                        •  Worse for heat of sun – useful for those who suffer with heat rash.

                      Natrum Phos (Sodium Phosphate)

                      An acid neutraliser.

                      The assimilation of fats & other nutrients is dependent on this.

                          • Think of Nat phos for acidity, heartburn, indigestion, gout, arthritis.

                          • Gout & Arthritis – A deficiency allows uric acid to form salts which become deposited in joints and tissues causing stiffness, swelling & pain.

                          • Acidity – symptoms include acid reflux, or ulcerative condition, indigestion with pain after eating and burning.

                          • Lactic acid – breaks down lactic acid in the muscle which can sometimes cause pain (stitch) during exercise, especially running.

                          • Sleeplessness which is caused by indigestion can sometimes be remedied with Nat Phos!

                          • Discharges are yellow and sour, there is a craving for sweets and chocolate, & the tongue has a creamy coating or is golden yellow.

                         Natrum Sulph (Sodium sulphate)

                        Liver Cleanser & Excess fluid eliminator

                        For healthy functioning of the liver, it regulates the intercellular fluid by eliminating excess water.

                            • Disorders of poor detoxification, sluggish liver function: inadequate bile flow which is concerned with carrying waste away & breaking down fats.

                            • Supports the liver & gall bladder, ailments affecting the liver e.g. bilious attacks, sandy deposits in urine & watery infiltrations.

                            • Asthma, Influenza, Hay fever or allergies – worse in damp weather or humid weather.

                            • Detox – works well with Kali Mur & Nat Phos.

                            • Headaches – after an injury to the head, after Arnica has reduced the swelling.

                            • Discharges are green as is the coating of the tongue. Worse for humid, damp weather. Better dry, warm weather, fresh air.

                          Silica (Silica oxide)

                          A cleanser & Eliminator

                          It helps the body clean up the accumulation of non-functional organic material.

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